Topiary Organizational Development Consulting
Shaping Organizations

Process Development

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Process development is an intentional approach to diagnosing, analyzing and improving upon existing or new business processes to help optimize and achieve more efficient business results. For teams and departments to work effectively together it is essential to the health of the organization for all processes and procedures to be developed in collaboration with one another. Taking a systematic approach to process development and improvement will enhance and grow the strength of the root system. Topiary consulting utilizes an action research approach combined with Lean methodology, while at the same time taking a human systematic approach to creating and improving upon processes that impact multiple stakeholders. We will help create a culture of continuous improvement where employees understand the difference between value and non-value added activities. Creating a culture of accountability can happen when we understand the world in which others operate. When we understand these worlds, we can develop and improve upon the current operational standards and work more effectively together. Ernest Stringer describes the basic action research routine as follows:

  • LOOK
    • Gather relevant information (Data)
    • Paint a picture (Describe the situation/problem)
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    • Explore and analyze what is happening (Analyze)
    • Interpret and explain (Theorize)
  • ACT
    • Plan (Report)
    • Implement
    • Evaluate
At Topiary consulting we believe one of the key factors to organizational success is ensuring that these standards are turned into training programs which are communicated throughout the organization. That all key stakeholders are competent and have the tools to do their jobs efficiently and effectively and take pride in their work.

~We can learn a lot from trees; they are always grounded but never stop reaching heavenward.~ Everett Mámor

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